Sunday, February 9, 2014

Library Research: MALL

     This week I stopped actively looking for articles (I have collected about fifteen), and began trying to categorize them and write a short review of each. The articles span approximately a decade (2004 to 2013) and deal broadly with task-based learning, mobile assisted language learning (MALL), and—my particular interest—the use of cell phones to support second language acquisition (SLA) in and outside the classroom. Several researchers noted the continuing dearth of MALL-related studies (particularly in the West). I noticed after a time that certain articles were being cited repeatedly, so I made sure to include those. Although cell phones and particularly short message service (SMS) have become extremely widespread and popular among the general population, there is still substantial resistance among educators to using them as a learning tool in the classroom. I feel, however, that my adult English Language Learners (ELLs)—all of whom have cell phones with voice and text messaging capabilities—might benefit from activities involving this technology, without being distracted by it. Truthfully, no studies that I could find have targeted my particular population of learners; researchers generally study university or high school students. Some suggest incorporating as many technical capabilities of the phones as possible, particularly in support of social (learner-to-learner) projects. I prefer to focus more on basic SLA pedagogy, using the standard functions of the cell phone to support and expand task-based opportunities for language practice, production, and feedback. Only a few articles went into the details of the actual cell-phone lessons; these generally involved delivering pre-taught vocabulary to students’ cell phones at regular intervals (while the words were given to a control group in some other format), and then monitoring the students’ progress from pre- to post-testing. I do not intend to do a quantitative study with controls. Instead, I will do a qualitative analysis of the types of lesson formats and content that lend themselves to delivery via SMS or voice text, and of the students’ responses to and progress during the project.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Cell Phones and SLA

     I have spent most of this week laying the groundwork for my project.  I wanted to pursue a topic that involved technology and second language acquisition (SLA).  The technology needed to be accessible, reliable, and easy to use.  The cell phone came to mind.   I then searched the literature to determine the extent to which cell phones--although somewhat controversial in the K-12 classroom--had been utilized in language learning.  Once I had deciphered all the acronyms used to describe technology-assisted language learning (CALL, MALL, CMLL, TELL, etc), I decided there was enough supporting research to proceed.  A number of the studies focused specifically on using cell phones to expand L2 vocabulary; the target learners were generally university students.  I am more interested in using the cell phone to expand the opportunities for my adult English Languages Learners (ELLs) to communicate in the mode of their choosing.  One student wants to improve her writing skills; another really wants to work on his speaking.  All have cell phones capable of sending and receiving text messages and have agreed to participate in a cell-phone/language learning project.  The goal is to provide at least two short assignments via cell phone each week; students then respond, and I provide specific feedback on their responses.  The content of the assignments will come from material covered in class, or from activities and events in the students' lives.  In this way, students will have additional opportunities for focused but authentic communication in English throughout the week.  
     The trial run this week was promising.  Students responded well to my text and voice messages, and I was able to give them feedback via email.  We also had a chance for more spontaneous communication as a result of the holiday (I had to alert a student that the local library was opening late), and the weather forecast (I had to let everyone know that class was cancelled).  I'm still mulling over how I will monitor their progress; the "data" will be more qualitative than quantitative. And I certainly would like feedback from the students about whether these assignments are beneficial to them....

I am excited about my project, but this design by Stephen Doyle makes me a little nostalgic....