Sunday, May 19, 2013

Embedding A Slide Show: Trial 1

       After viewing a fellow student's entry for another assignment (Thanks, Diane!), I thought I would try embedding a short slide show in this post.  I am a more verbal than visual learner, so incorporating pictures and visuals that supplement or enhance a text is not second nature to me.  Not wanting to battle software in this exercise, I searched the Internet and quickly found Cincopa for designing and embedding simple slide shows.  Basic access allows you to select the presentation format, and then upload your pictures from a variety of sources. The site then produces a gallery which you can then embed in posts on Blogger, WordPress, and other Content Management System (CMS) sites.  In this case, I just had to copy and paste the HTML code for my completed gallery onto this post and then preview the results.  Amazingly, it worked the first time.  That's one way to keep the novices coming back....

Powered by Cincopa

       As you can see, the format is very basic. I chose not to include a menu that would describe the photos, and I could not control how quickly the pictures change.  Sometimes the images are a bit slow to load.  (Sorry about the quality of the two images that were taken before digital cameras were widely available.) In addition, I have little experience storing content in "the cloud", which is where my pictures are now residing.  Invariably that raises security and privacy issues if a teacher is considering using this type of application with students.  At the moment I am so focused on mastering basic technical issues that I do not immediately consider applicability/suitability for the classroom.   As I become more familiar with multimedia, I will be better able to evaluate all the options....

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